Wednesday, March 11, 2009

*I washed my hair for the first time in almost three and a half years

So, you may have read on the Myface or the Spacebook, or whatever us kids are using these days that I washed my hair. It's true, for the first time since November of first year (I think that's 2005).

Why, you ask?
No real reason... mostly an impulsive decision that I made in class today.

What does dirt from 6 different countries that has been stored in dreads for over 3 years look like on the floor of a shower?
Kind of like coffee with cream... maybe a double double.

I guess that's it for now.



Angie Pants said...

you slept in my bed.

x said...


Any crustaceans?

scott gibson said...
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scott gibson said...

if it makes you feel better angie, when i slept in your bed my dreads only had stuff in them from one, maybe two countries.

carly, on the other hand, when i stayed in your room in ton sai there were definitely crustacean